
Reviews – Financial coaching  (1)

It was a pleasure first seeing a black woman with such a wealth of information and willing to share it with others. May GOD restore you and may you never lack in any area of your life, your husband’s life and your children, children’s children’s. Generational wealth is one of your giftings, and I am honored to get these services and I respect you and your time.
Thank you

It has been an “eye opener” and    extremely educational working with Eagle Mary. She explains concepts in a way that Kingdom Citizens understand where and how they need to take action. I have already started implementing what I have been taught and cannot wait to learn more and make the necessary changes to ensure I secure that Generational Wealth that will be my legacy to my children and generations to come. Thank you Eagle Mary for allowing God to use you in this powerful way to guide Kingdom Citizens on how to manage and build on their finances

I’m very glad  have you as my Coach in the time like this. I like your passion for coaching us.  It’s subjective, very useful and needed nowadays. With two sessions i learnt so much. And waiting for other sessions. After finishing the sessions i may get full subject. Thank you very much. Thankful to our Coach. And first of all all Glory to God.

Indeed same here it was a great honor to e-meet you and have a very productive session.
I have taken note of our next meeting, i will send you the information before the meeting.
Thank you so much. Have a blessed evening.

Good morning Eagle Mary, thank you so much for all the valuable financial management tips you are sharing with me. I feel encouraged and motivated to implement every bit of advice you have given to me knowing the benefits of paying off the debt and being free. God bless you so much for all your work in helping us in Jesus’s name.

It has been an “eye opener” and    extremely educational working with Eagle Mary. She explains concepts in a way that Kingdom Citizens understand where and how they need to take action. I have already started implementing what I have been taught and cannot wait to learn more and make the necessary changes to ensure I secure that Generational Wealth that will be my legacy to my children and generations to come. Thank you Eagle Mary for allowing God to use you in this powerful way to guide Kingdom Citizens on how to manage and build on their finances

I’m very glad  have you as my Coach in times like this. I like your passion for coaching us.  It’s subjective, very useful and needed nowadays. With two sessions I learnt so much. And waiting for other sessions. After finishing the sessions I may get full subject. Thank you very much. Thankful to our Coach. And first of all all Glory to God.

Reading the book while taking the 1 on 1 lesson is a transformational experience. The book is a convenient summary of all the handy tips you need to know about building generational wealth while the lessons provide you with a rare opportunity to build a working plan for managing your personal finances with the essential guidance of Coach Mary. I feel confident about getting rid of my pecuniary worries by practicing all that I have learned.

I have come to appreciate the fact that I need to be deliberate in my finances. The approach she used during the sessions really hit home. The practical application of the sessions has enabled me to identify places I need to make changes. My finances have started to make sense. It’s clear to me now what I need to do to build my wealth. Thank you for this eye opening experience.

One of the things you are never taught at most schools is the management of your own finances. The course was an eye opener well thought out  and designed to equip you for the future . I did pray the prayers to get out of debt a few years ago and managed to get rid of it. The debt fleetly reappeared as i had no robust system in place of managing my personal finances.  After this course with Coach Mary I am confident debt will not be my portion ever again as I am managing my finances effectively. Thank you Coach.

Reading the book while taking the 1 on 1 lesson is a transformational experience. The book is a convenient summary of all the handy tips you need to know about building generational wealth while the lessons provide you with a rare opportunity to build a working plan for managing your personal finances with the essential guidance of Coach Mary. I feel confident about getting rid of my pecuniary worries by practicing all that I have learned.
Josiah Shikhule

This is very rewarding to me, I have for the first time richly appreciated the mutual funds and other kinds of investments as the enlightenment by the Coach is making me relate with facts on the ground very well.